The Kayser Chiropractic crew wishes all the best for you: health, happiness, & chiropractic adjustments!
What's happening at KCC?
- New Neighbors: Oasis Therapeutic Massage - as of September 19, 2017, we have massage therapists in the office next door (Suite B). They specialize in therapeutic massage and chronic pain management. Call 893-8888 for times and availability.
- What's up with the bead? We have been using Acupuncture at Kayser Chiropractic for many, many years. In addition to needles, we use the teishin - a non-piercing needle, laser, and electronic stimulation to work on acupoints. This year we have started using what many of our patients call "The Bead". Placing "The Bead" on specific areas of the ear (there are more than 100 acupoints in the ear) that correlate to the problem allows patients to stimulate the acupoint at home to aid in improving their health.
Why We Adjust
- We at KCC want to elp people live healthier lives.
- We believe in the body's innate wisdom to heal itself.
- We believe interference in the nervous system is the cause of disease.
- We believe in treating the body as a whole.
Did you know???
For ever 1 inch the head is carried forward on the body, it adds 10 pounds of weight on the lower cervical spine.
Many cervical surgeries (C5,6,7) can be attributed to years of forward translation of the head — check it out — looking from the side, one's ear should be in the center of the shoulder. If you are one of the many with a forward head translation, come see us!
As we know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With spinal adjustments, specific exercise, and possibly a cervical pillow, we can keep your cervical spine healthy!
'Tis the season to return to the simple life!
- Eat with family and friends.
- Turn off the TV and electronic devices and read a book.
- Be grateful.
- Focus on your blessings.
- Invest your energy in the your important asset - you!
- You are the only one with the power to make your life all that it can be.
- Don't act your age — have fun!