Enzymes are the body's construction workers, the catalysts for every biochemical process from digesting food and getting nutrients into cells to:
  • produce energy
  • fight infection
  • heal wounds
  • and remove toxic waste from the body
Many people do not produce the enzymes they need. The first cause of enzyme deficiency is diet:
  • Heating foods at high temperatures destroys food's natural enzymes.
  • Raw vegetables are no guarantee that enzymes are intact since enzymes are removed to increase shelf life.
At 20 years of age and older, G.I. problems can occur in the form of:
  • gas
  • bloating
  • heartburn acid reflux
  • and other symptoms.
With age, the stomach produces less hydrochloric acid which slows digestion. Eventually, the body's demand for enzymes will deplete the enzymes essential for every cell and system. Subluxations of the spine at mid, low thoracic and low back can be indicators of a digestive problem. Foods high in enzymes are:
  • papaya
  • pineapple
  • avocado
  • raw honey
  • virgin olive oil.

Many people find it necessary to take digestive enzymes. Give us a call at 635-6767 for more information!

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